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Toronto Law Journal - 2019 Issues

Month     Article Title
January 2019 Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Enforceability of Oral Agreements Collateral to a Franchise Agreement
  Internet Defamation: Observations on Magno v. Balita
  Moore v Sweet: Unjust Enrichment at the Supreme Court of Canada
February 2019 Estate and Insurance Planning Implications of Medical Assistance in Dying
Court of Appeal affirms the importance of the “appropriate means” test under s. 5(1)(a)(iv)
  Court rejects deal price as indicator of fair value in dissent decision
March 2019 The Tides Have Turned With Redwater: Provincial Environmental Obligations Have Priority Over Secured Creditors In A Bankruptcy
  One Last Chance: How a Recent Ontario Court of Appeal Decision is Changing the Landscape of Rule 15 Dismissal Motions
  Moore v Sweet: Implications for Insurance and Estate Planning Professionals
  The Right and the Wrong Way to seek Remediation Agreements
April 2019 Constitutional Principles & Ontario’s Crown Liability and Proceedings Act
The Methodology of Reasonableness Review in Administrative Law: Hillier v. Canada
Weeding Out the Edible, Extracts and Topical Appeal
May 2019 Greater Corporate Transparency on the Horizon: Non-Public CBCA Corporations to be Required to Keep Securities Register of Individuals With "Significant Control"
Debarment Proposals Loosen Their Grip But Reach Out Farther
Employee or Franchisee (Independent Contractor)? Definitive Guidance from the Supreme Court of Canada
Is There Absolute Confidentiality in Mediation?
June 2019 Federal Court Issues Rare Interim Injunction in Patent Infringement Case
Views from the Bench
Hidden Traps: Defending Novel Claims Against an Estate
September 2019 Cirillo v Ontario: Insufficient commonality defeats a certification motion
What Should You Know About the Coming Into Force of the Impact Assessment Act?
Life Insurance as Security for Support Obligations
Document Production: If and when can productions be ordered in the Small Claims Court?
October 2019 Hot off the Press: The CSA Issues Guidance on Climate Change-Related Risks
Federal Court Admits Foreign File Wrapper in Canadian Claim Construction
The Ethics Commissioner’s Report as a Political Football
The New Construction Act: Opportunity and Risk for Lawyers in Ontario
November 2019 Simple Agreement for Future Equity — Are They Really That Safe?
The Doctrine of Rectification and Beneficiary Designations
The Godfrey Decision: Competition Class Action Certification Made (Even) Easier
A Notice of Rescission by Any Other Form May Not Serve as the Same