TLA Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
CPD Hours-Year at a Glance

Below you will find a list of all of TLA's programs offered in the current calendar year with their corresponding CPD hours, where applicable.

Date Program Name    LawPRO Accredited Professionalism Substantive
June 5th, 2024 Risk Management for Electronic Evidence 1.5 hrs.
June 4th, 2024 Mindfulness & Law Series - Practising Law Gracefully - Part 2 45 mins.
May 28, 2024 Mindfulness & Law Series - Practising Law Gracefully - Part 1 45 mins.
May 23, 2024 Draconian Deadlines Civil Litigators Don’t Want to Miss 30 mins. 1hr.
May 22, 2024 Legal Market Update and AMA 1hr.
May 13, 2024 Semicolons are stupid, and other Legal Writing Myths  1hr.
May 8, 2024 How to Succeed at Summary Judgement Motions 1.5 hrs.
May 7, 2024 Introduction to Business Valuations Yes 1hr.
May 2, 2024 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Unlocking Real Estate Wisdom Yes 1.5 hrs.
May 1, 2024 Modern Appellate Advocacy: Tips for Appellate Advocacy in 2024 and Beyond Yes 15 mins. 1hr. 15mins.
April 24, 2024 Affidavit Secrets  1hr.
April 16, 2024 Persuasive Speaking Skills - Part 3 120 mins.
April 10, 2024 How to Succeed at Oral Advocacy 30 mins. 1hr.
April 9, 2024 Persuasive Speaking Skills - Part 2 120 mins.  
April 4, 2024 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Succession Planning for your Legal Practice Yes 1.5 hrs.   
April 3, 2024 Legal Research & Court Documents on IRIS 1hr.  
April 2, 2024 Persuasive Speaking Skills - Part 1 120 mins.  
March 27, 2024 Estate Law Round Up! 10 important issues to consider for 2024 Yes 15 mins. 1 hr. 15 mins.
March 26, 2024 How to Use Arbitration in the Face of Court Delays to Save Your Clients Time, Money and Headaches in Any Dispute Yes 15 mins. 45 mins.
March 7, 2024 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Practice Tips for Wills & Estates Lawyers Yes 1.5 hrs.  
February 27, 2024 Preparing for and Advocacy at Mediation: A Mediator’s Perspective for Lawyers Yes 1hr.  
February 20, 2024 Investigating Insurance Claims with Geosocial Data 1hr.  
February 13, 2024 Fluff is for Pillows, Not Legal Writing 1hr.  
December 7, 2023 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Client Management and Effective Client Relationships Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.  
December 6, 2023 Trauma-Informed Lawyering 101 Yes 1 hr. EDI  
December 5, 2023 Lexis Advance Quicklaw Legal Research Training 1 hr.  
November 23, 2023 When Worlds Collide: Corporate Issues, Matrimonial Breakdown and Death Yes   1 hr. 15 min.
November 23, 2023 Westlaw Canada Boolean Booster 1hr.  
November 15, 2023 The Charter: Recent Key Criminal Cases Yes   1 hr. 30 mins.
November 14, 2023 Introduction to Financial Statements   1 hr.
November 8, 2023 How to Succeed at Written Advocacy Yes   1 hr. 15 mins.
November 2, 2023 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Building Resilience and Maintaining Mental Health in the Legal Profession Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.  
October 26, 2023 Intersection of Family and Criminal Law Yes   1 hr. 30 mins. 
October 26, 2023 Beyond the Basics in Westlaw Canada Research  1 hr.  
October 24, 2023 19th Annual Associate Judges' Motions Yes 45 mins. 105 mins.
October 19, 2023  Making Sense of Compensation   1.5 hrs.   
October 11, 2023 TLA’s 6th Annual Women in Law: Leading with Intention Yes  1 hr + 15 min of EDI   
October 5, 2023 Support Orders in Family Court Yes    1 hr
October 3, 2023 How to Succeed at Killer Cross-Examinations   1 hr.  
September 28, 2023 Working with O'Brien's Encyclopedia of Forms on Westlaw Canada Training   30 mins.   
September 26, 2023 Bad Bosses, Worse Clients & Scary Judges Yes  1.5 hrs  
September 6, 2023 Lexis Advance Quicklaw Legal Research Training   1 hr.  
July 13, 2023 Speed Mentoring & Networking   1 hr.  
June 22, 2023  Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Top Tips for Advocates   Yes 1.5 hrs   
June 15, 2023 Leverage Secondary Sources on Westlaw Canada   30 mins.  
June 6, 2023  If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Perceptions from Three Recently-Appointed Judges  Yes  1 hr. 20 min.  
May 25, 2023 Quicklaw Legal Research Training   1 hr.  
May 25, 2023 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Insurance 101 for Lawyers  Yes 1.5 hrs  
May 24, 2023 Virtual Advocacy: Litigating from a Distance Yes 30 mins. 30 mins.
May 23 and June 13, 2023 Mindfulness & Law: Skills for Successful Lawyering/How to Keep Practicing without Losing your Mind Yes Each program contains 45 mins and both programs combined contain 1.5 hrs.  
May 18, 2023 Improve Your Research Skills with Westlaw Canada Training   1 hr.  
May 16, 2023 Defining Your Personal Brand + Finding Your Networking Superpower   1 hr.  
May 9, 2023 Full & Final Releases: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Yes  1 hr. 30 mins.
May 4, 2023 So you have a judgment, now what? Overcoming Post-Judgment Enforcement Issues 1 hr.
Thursday, April 25 Advanced Search Techniques in Westlaw Canada Research 1 hr.  
April 25, 2023 TLA's New Lawyers Committee Taboo Topics series: Alternative Careers - There's Life After Law 1 hr.  
April 20, 2023 Escaping the Prison of Belligerence: Mental Wellness for Lawyers Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.  
April 13, 2023 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Protecting your firm against fraud - Tips on identity scams, wire fraud, and other current threats Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.  
April 12, 2023 Skills Development Series: How to Succeed at Small Claims Court Yes 30 min. Up to 1 hr.
April 4, 2023 Bencher Candidate Forum Q&A  
March 30, 2023 Indigenous Law and the Practical Realities Yes 1 hr. EDI  1 hr.
March 22, 2023 The Gun Show & Tell: Firearm Prosecutions and Classification of Firearms   1 hr. 30 mins.
February 27, 2023
Litigator on Westlaw Canada   1 hr.
February 21, 2023 Tell Me the Truth Tuesdays - 6 programs for lawyers under 6 years of call (CPD and EDI for all 6 programs) Yes 3 hrs. + 1 hr. of EDI 1 hr. 30 mins.
February 16, 2023 Estate Law Round Up! 10 important issues to consider Yes 15 min. 1 hr. 15 mins.
February 9, 2023 Quicklaw Legal Research Training   1 hr.
February 1, 2023 Hot Topics in Privacy Law     1 hr
January 26, 2023 Beyond the Basics in Westlaw Canada    1 hr.
December 6, 2022 Top 6 in 60: Six recent cases from the SCC you should know about in 60 minutes or less 1 hr.
November 24, 2022 Dearly Departed and Separated: The Intersection of Family and Estates Law 2 hrs.
November 3, 2022 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Tips for Corporate Commercial Lawyers Attendees can claim a $50 Risk Management Credit to be applied to their LAWPRO premiums.  1 hr. 30 mins.
November 2, 2022 The Role of Cognitive Bias on Lawyers and the Practice of Law Yes 15 mins. + 1 hr. of EDI
October 26, 2022 End “Quiet Quitting”: 6 Steps to re-engaging your team 1 hr.
October 18, 2022 5th Annual Women in Law: Leading with Purpose Yes 1 hr. + 15 mins. of EDI
October 12, 2022 The “Ins and Outs” of Evidence Law 15 mins. 1 hr. 15 mins.
October 6, 2022 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Tips for Real Estate Lawyers Attendees can claim a $50 Risk Management Credit to be applied to their LAWPRO premiums.  1 hr. 30 mins.
September 22, 2022 Planning for Minors 1 hr.
September 20, 2022 18th Annual Associate Judges' Motions for Licensing Candidates and Recent Calls – “The Steps of a Civil Motion” Yes 30 mins. 90 mins.
September 14, 2022 Understand Your Firm’s Finances to Help Build Financial Stability and Growth 1 hr.
June 9, 2022 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Tips for Wills and Estates Lawyers Attendees can claim a $50 Risk Management Credit to be applied to their LAWPRO premiums.  1 hr. 30 mins.
June 8, 2022 Navigating Governance Challenges in Closely Held Companies 45 mins. 15 mins.
May 12, 2022 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Tips for Advocates Attendees can claim a $50 Risk Management Credit to be applied to their LAWPRO premiums.  1 hr. 30 mins.
May 4, 2022 Civil Appeals and Judicial Reviews: Common Mistakes and Pitfalls Yes 15 mins. 45 mins.
April 14, 2022 Thursday Tips with LAWPRO and TLA: Family Law Tips Attendees can claim a $50 Risk Management Credit to be applied to their LAWPRO premiums.  1 hs. 30 mins.
April 13 & May 26, 2022 Appellate Advocacy Bootcamp (Two Workshop Sessions) 60 mins. total 120 mins. total
April 12, 2022 A Roadmap for Business Development Success 60 mins.
April 7, 2022 Behind the Scenes with Benchers 30 mins.
April 5, 2022 The Dangers of the Gladiator Mindset: Mental Health for Lawyers and Professional Athletes Yes 2 hrs. 30 mins.
March 24, 2022 Common Procedural Motions: Tips and Tricks from the Bench and Bar 30 mins. 60 mins.
March 9, 2022 Parental Leave and Practicing Law: How are Lawyers Making it Work? Yes 90 mins.
March 3, 2022 Technology in Litigation: What can we do and why should we do it? Yes 120 mins.
February 17, 2022 COVID-19 and the Charter 25 mins. 50 mins.
February 16, 2022 Law and Climate 60 mins.
February 14, 2022 Excelling at Mediation Advocacy 2.0: A Master Class for Junior to Mid-Career Lawyers Yes 45 mins.+ 15 mins. EDI 60 mins.
February 4, 2022 Representing Indigenous families and children in child welfare proceedings: Developments in the legal landscape Yes 60 mins. EDI
February 3, 2022 New Lawyers Town Hall: Taboo Topics - Ask Us Anything! Yes 90 mins.
December 2, 2021 The Supreme Court of Canada 2021 Roundtable: Latest Trends and Landmark Cases 75 mins.
December 2, 2021 Avoiding the wire fraud nightmare – what you need to know to protect yourself and your clients Yes 90 mins.
November 23, 2021 The Cost of Not Listening and How to Overcome It 30 mins. 
October 27, 2021 Good Faith in Contract Performance 120 mins. 
October 26, 2021 Access to Justice Tools and Resources for Sole Practitioners and Small Firms- Presented at LSO Access to Justice week access to Justice Tools and Resources for Sole Practitioners and Small Firms, presented at LSO Access to Justice week 30 mins.
October 13, 2021 What Law School Didn’t Teach You: Starting Your Own Firm – Replay with LIVE Q&A, Part 2 Yes 75 mins.
October 6, 2021 TLA 17th Annual Masters' (Associate Judges') Motions for Licensing Candidates and Recent Calls – “The Anatomy of a Motion” 20 mins. 85 mins.
October 5, 2021 Preparing and Presenting Bail Hearings 15 mins. 45 mins.
September 29, 2021 What Law School Didn’t Teach You: Starting Your Own Firm – Replay with LIVE Q&A, Part 1 Yes 75 mins.
August 12, 2021 Justice Services Online – Family Law Focus: Demonstration and Q&A 90 mins.
June 24, 2021 Lead From Where You Are 45 mins. + 15 mins. EDI
June 23, 2021 Virtual Civil Trials 90 mins.
June 22, 2021 Working Together, Remotely – Managing and Leading Through COVID and Beyond Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.
June 15, 2021 Continuing to Manage – Mental Health, Resilience and Resources Yes 1 hr. 30 mins.
June 10, 2021 If I Knew Then What I Know Now- Perceptions from Three Recently-Appointed Judges 80 mins.
June 09, 2021 Toronto Real Estate Issues Yes 30 mins. 90 mins.
June 02, 2021 Enforcing Foreign Judgments: Strategies, Tools and Tactics From the Trenches 75 mins. 
May 28, 2021 Legal Aid Simplified – Part 2 – Navigating Legal Aid Client Programs and Services – the “Nuts and Bolts” 75 mins.
May 19, 2021 Basics of Appellate Advocacy: As Seen Through The Eyes Of The Bench Yes 30 mins. 2 hrs. and 45 mins. 
May 14, 2021 Strengthening Connections 35 mins. + 25 mins. EDI
May 13, 2021 Women In Law Program: Steps to Success: Building the Foundation and Finding the Right Mentor(s) Yes 60 mins. + 30 mins. EDI
May 05, 2021 Caselines Orientation 90 mins.
May 04, 2021 How To Look And Sound Brilliant - Virtually 120 mins.
May 03, 2021 Search And Seizure 15 mins. 45 mins.
April 29, 2021 Wills And Estates: A Potpourri Of Considerations Yes 30 mins. 60 mins.
April 28, 2021 Legal Aid Part 1 - LASA 2020, The New Rules And An Overview Of LAO & Law Research 60 mins. + 15 mins. EDI 15 mins.
April 20, 2021 Cannabis: Everything You Wanted To Know* (*But Were Afraid To Ask) 20 mins. 40 mins.
April 13 - 27, 2021 Powerful Speaking Skills 120 mins.
April 9, 2021 Ontario Small Claims Court – Filing/Submitting Documents Online - Demonstration and Q&A 75 mins.
March 17, 2021 Top Practice Tips For The Commercial List 15 mins. 45 mins
February 18, 2021 Embracing LinkedIn – Make your profile work for you 60 mins
February 5, 2021 Managing the Second Wave: Mental Health, Resilience and Resources 90 mins.
January 28, 2021 Serious Illness Planning 35 mins. 25 mins.
January 22, 2021 Parole, Temporary Release and COVID19 60 mins.
January 21, 2021 Remote Preparation of Witnesses and Clients for Pending Litigation   29 mins. + 15 mins. EDI 46 mins.
January 19, 2021 Justice Services Online - Demonstration and Q&A 60 mins.
December 9, 2020 Louise Arbour and Marie Henein Share Their Personal Reflections on Unconscious Bias in Litigation 85 mins. EDI
December 3, 2020 LAWPRO’s TitlePLUS CPD: Tips for Real Estate Lawyers in the COVID Residential Purchase, Refinance, and Home Renovation Marketplaces 60 min.
November 24, 2020 Supreme Court of Canada in 2020: Recent Cases, Latest Trends 90 min
November 3, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 3:  The Conversation Starts Before You Speak – How the Right Posture, Facial Expression and Body Movement Can Impact Your Audience 120 min
October 28, 2020 Advocacy tips from the Bench for Family Lawyers – The 2020 Sequel
15 min 75 min
October 27, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 2:  Identify and Eliminate Speech Habits That Can Hold You Back 120 min
October 21, 2020 Pivoting During a Pandemic
75 min
October 20, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 1: Use your Voice and Tone to Deliver a Persuasive Message 120 min
October 15, 2020 Construction Law's New Era of Adjudication and Prompt Payment in Review
60 min
October 6, 2020 Masters' Motions for Licensing Candidates and Recent Calls
15 min 75 min
October 5, 2020 Land Registry Offices on the Web: a Lot from the DOT
60 min
September 24, 2020 Critical New Developments in Employment Law
15 min  75 min
September 17, 2020 NCA Network: A Conversation on Diversity
60 min EDI
September 10, 2020 Protecting the Record: Advice for Trial Lawyers from the Appeal’s Perspective
30 min 75 min
August 12, 2020 Virtual Attendances - What you need to know 90 min
July 15, 2020 Virtual Discoveries & Mediations: Tips & Tricks
60 min
July 14, 2020 Live with André Bacchus and Alisha Athanasiou 60 min
July 7, 2020 So You Want to be a Judge? 60 min + 30 min EDI
June 26, 2020 Benefits of Dual Qualifying in a Global Legal Market 100 min + 20 min EDI
June 24, 2020 Personal Reflections on the Indian Residential Schools Compensation Process: a lesson in advancing equality, diversity and inclusion 60 min EDI
June 18, 2020 What Law School Didn’t Teach You: Starting a Law Firm 90 min
June 9, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 3:  The Conversation Starts Before You Speak – How the Right Posture, Facial Expression and Body Movement Can Impact Your Audience 120 min
June 4, 2020 Estate Law in a COVID-19 Time - Resources and Tools Yes 15 min 75 min
June 2, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 2:  Identify and Eliminate Speech Habits That Can Hold You Back 120 min
June 1, 2020 The shape of litigation to come: Practitioners speak about what's worked, what hasn't, and what to expect in the post-Covid courts  30 min 30 min
May 28, 2020 Marketing Tips for Solos and Smalls  60 min
May 26, 2020 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers -  Part 1: Use your Voice and Tone to Deliver a Persuasive Message 120 min
May 12, 2020 3rd Annual Women in Law Program: Building Your Full Circle Leadership 50 min + 15 min EDI
May 4, 2020 Managing Your Practice in the time of COVID-19 by LawPro  Yes 60 min
April 15, 2020 Virtual Coffee Webcast with Co-Hosts Erin Cowling & Kim Gale
60 min
Feb 27, 2020 Leveraging LinkedIn for Lawyers 60 min
Feb 26, 2020 Sentencing in Criminal Court: Latest Trends and Bill C-75 Amendments 15 min EDI 90 min
Jan 30, 2020 Effective Mediation Advocacy a Masterclass for Junior and Mid-Career Lawyers 45 min + 15 min EDI 65 min
Dec 17, 2019 The new Cannabis Regulations & how they will impact your practice. Edibles, extracts & topicals, oh my! 15 min 75 min
Nov 20, 2019 Marketing Plan Strategies to Make Your Law Firm Stand Out 60 min
Nov 6, 2019 The Supreme Court of Canada in 2019: Recent Cases, Latest Trends 105 min
Nov 5, 2019 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers - Part 1: Use your Voice and Tone to Deliver a Persuasive Message 120 min
Oct 29, 2019 Advocacy Tips from the Bench for Family Lawyers 15 min 75 min
Oct 23, 2019 Enhancing Resilience and Well-Being 60 min
Oct 17, 2019 EDISCOVERY: Finding Treasure At The Bottom Of The Data Ocean  85 min
Oct 16, 2019 The Winning Approach: How Small Law Firms Can Overcome Common Business Challenges 45 min
Oct 3, 2019 Legal Writing for Students and New Lawyers: Writing Effective Memoranda of Law 75 min
Sept 25, 2019 Impaired Driving: The Dawn of a New Era 15 min 105 min
Sept 24, 2019 Family Responsibility Office: Navigating the New Organization 60 min
August 1, 2019 Boost your law practice with business coaching 60 min
June 3, 2019 If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Perceptions from Three Recently-Appointed Judges 80 min 10 min
May 30, 2019 Think Immigration Issues Can't Impact Your Organization? Think Again.  An Overview of Key Immigration Issues 15 min 75 min
May 14, 2019 2nd Annual Women in Law Program: Propelling Women into Leadership Roles in the Legal Profession 60 min + 10 min EDI
May 9, 2019 Succession Planning, Retirement & Transitioning to Life After Law 65 min
Apr 30, 2019 Powerful Speaking Skills for Lawyers - Part 1: Use your Voice and Tone to Deliver a Persuasive Message 120 min
Apr 11, 2019  Boilerplate Clauses in Will Drafting and Estates, Trusts and Capacity Matters - BYOQ    30 min 90 min
Apr 9, 2019  Contractual Interpretation Five Years after  Sattva     120 min
Apr 4, 2019  Advancing Your Appellate Advocacy    15 min 120 min 
Mar 26, 2019  How to Build a Book of Business as a New Lawyer    60 min
Mar 21, 2019  NCA Network     40 min EDI   
Mar 5, 2019  Starting Your Own Firm   140 min 
Feb 28, 2019 Logo Design and Development: From Start to Finish, and a Case study 60 min
Feb 7, 2019 A New Lawyer's Practical Guide to Criminal Law: Bail, Pre-Trials, Charter Applications    30 min + 15 min EDI   60 min
Jan 24, 2019  How the Legalization of Cannabis can affect your Practice      105 min 
Nov 14, 2018  Commons Pitfalls and How to Avoid them for Licensing Candidates and Articling Principals    75 min  
Nov 13, 2018  Avoiding Liability: What Every Real Estate Lawyer Should Know   70 min 60 min
Nov 6, 2018  Effective Management of Sexual Harassment Complaints   100 min EDI   
Nov 1, 2018   The Supreme Court of Canada in 2018    105 min
Oct 30, 2018 Construction Act    105 min
Oct 25, 2018  So, who are you to call your client?   100 min
Oct 17, 2018  8th Annual Current Topics in Ethics & Professionalism:
Do Lawyers Have an Ethical Obligation to Defend the Unpopular? 
  120 min   
Oct 3, 2018  Legal Writing for Students and New Lawyers    120 min  
Sep 26, 2018  Negotiate, Mediate, Litigate: Best Practices in High Conflict Family Law Matters  Yes  100 min   
Jun 6, 2018  A Fireside Chat with the Hon. Thomas Cromwell & the Hon. Dennis O’Connor: The Art of Advocacy  No 70 min   
May 16, 2018  Group Workshop: Legal Writing for Students and New Lawyers 2.0  No 90 min
May 15, 2018  Personal Injury Panel: Hot Topics in Personal Injury Law  Yes 15 min 90 min
May 10, 2018  Fostering Women Leadership in the Legal Profession Nutshell & Soiree Yes 10 min + 50 min EDI  
Apr 17, 2018  Litigation Funding for Commercial Claims in Canada  Yes 65 min  30 min 
Apr 11, 2018  Drafting Considerations for the Wills & Estates Lawyer: From Boilerplate to Bespoke  Yes 15 min  90 min 
Feb 28, 2018  Summary Judgment Motions Four Years after Hryniak  No   105 min
Feb 8, 2018  The Charter: Defending, Prosecuting and Theorizing on Rights and Remedies  No 15 min  90 min