TLA Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Research Services

The Court House Library provides a full range of research services to members of the Ontario Bar, the Judiciary, articling students, and the public. Professional, experienced staff are available to assist you with your research and use of the library facilities, whether you are using print or electronic resources.
Services provided include:

  • Locating in-depth commentary on a specific legal topic
  • Case law & legislation: copies, note ups, detailed histories
  • Database instruction

All research is provided free of charge to members of the TLA (not including fees for printing and fax services). Research for non-members is subject to a charge of $60 per hour, with a $60 deposit required to start the work. 
Only members are eligible to borrow books for overnight loans.

Would you like to take a short virtual tour? Check out our video below!

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