TLA Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


TLA committees are efficient, purposeful bodies that contribute real value to this organization and the profession. Throughout our long history, committee members have shaped our decisions, our direction, and in so doing, they have left a legacy upon which to build.

Call for Volunteers – TLA Committees

Board Committees

Are you interested in becoming more involved with the TLA? TLA Committees play an active role in the Association.  When the new Board year begins after the TLA’s Annual and General Meeting in May 2024, we expect to have a few open positions on the following Committees:

  • Advocacy
  • Awards and Events
  • Criminal
  • Education
  • Family and Estates
  • Membership
  • New Lawyers
  • Real Estate
  • Sponsorship

Application Process

Committee members are asked to actively participate by attending meetings, and in the case of the Education committee, helping to fulfill the TLA mandate to provide a variety of education programs to our membership.

If you are a member in good standing, have been practicing for three years or more and would like to be more involved with the TLA as a committee member, you are invited to submit a self-nomination, in the form of a letter of application, indicating your committee of interest and brief biography.

Send your self-nomination to the TLA Executive Director, Joan Rataic-Lang Please use “ TLA Application” in the subject line of your email.

Your interest in the TLA is greatly appreciated and will be given full consideration.

The deadline for submissions is February 13, 2024.

Committee Duties


The objective of the Committee is to proactively advocate on behalf of TLA members on issues of relevance to the legal profession in Toronto.

View Committee duties        

The Committee shall have the following duties:
  • to monitor issues of relevance to Toronto lawyers on which TLA can play a role advocating;
  • to prepare submissions to the Law Society of Ontario, the Attorney General and other government and regulatory authorities in respect of proposed amendments to legislation, policies, rules or issues of practice and procedure, and to respond to requests for submissions from such organizations;
  • to assist the board of directors in identifying actions or appeals that raise issues of particular concern to Toronto lawyers where it would be appropriate for the TLA to seek intervenor status; and
  • to communicate with other lawyer advocacy groups.

Awards and Events

The objectives of this Committee are to provide awards to deserving Toronto lawyers and host events which promote good feeling and harmony among Toronto lawyers.

View Committee duties  

The Committee shall have the following duties:
  • to review, and recommend for approval by the board of directors, a slate of nominees for the TLA's annual awards including, but not limited to, the Award of Distinction, the Honsberger Award and the Emerging Excellence Award; and
  • to assist TLA's management in facilitating, planning and executing TLA events which promote good feeling and harmony among Toronto lawyers.



The objective of the Committee is to develop and provide affordable and useful educational programs for Toronto lawyers, licensing candidates and law students (" Programs:). The Committee shall endeavour to ensure that Programs:

View Committee duties        

The Committee shall have the following duties:
  • to develop a roster of Programs, and invite suitable speakers for Programs;
  • to develop educational events such as Q and A's with special guests and authors' talks; and
  • to make Programs available both in-person and/or online, as required.

Family and Estates


The objectives of this Committee are to attract new TLA members and retain existing TLA members.

View Committee duties        

The Committee shall have the following duties:
  • to review, and recommend for approval by the board of directors, suggestions for achieving its objectives, taking into account any existing plans and/or annual priorities that have already been approved by the TLA; and
  • to support TLA's management in executing nay existing plans and/or annual priorities with respect to TLA membership.

Real Estate


The objective of the Committee is to procure and maintain sponsorship for the TLA in general and for specific events held by the TLA. The Committee shall endeavour to achieve its objective by creating and developing relationships with long-term sponsors of the TLA.

View Committee duties        

The Committee shall have the following duties:
  • to review, and recommend for approval by the board of directors, suggestions for achieving its objectives, taking into account any existing strategic plans and/or annual priorities that have already been approved by the TLA; and
  • to support TLA's management in executing any existing pland and/or annual priorities with respect to sponsorship.

New Lawyers

The objective of the Committee is to build and maintain a community of young lawyers in Toronto and to provide benefits and support to TLA members who are young lawyers.

View Committee duties