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Toronto Law Journal - 2018 Issues

Month Article Title
January 2018 Pick your Poison: Supreme Court finds bank liable for third party employee's fraud
  Amendments to the   Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise Disclosure) 2000  (the " Wishart Act")
  Foreign bribery and Conspiracy:  the Plot Thickens
  Considerations for LGBTQ Estate Planning
February 2018  Too Fully Baked: The Ontario Labour Relations Board Approves Application for Unionization of Canada Bread “Franchisees”
Do Unto Thy Neighbour
  Living in Splendid Isolation: Ten Lessons Learned Enforcing an Ontario Judgment in Mexico 
  Deloitte & Touche v. Livent Inc. (Receiver of) : a Reformulation of the Test for a Duty of Care in   Hercules Managements Ltd. v. Ernst & Young
March 2018  A Privileged Class No More:  Federal Court of Appeal Rejects Competition Commissioner's Public Interest Privilege
  Transactional Common Interest Privilege Preserved
  Jurisdictional Limits on Small Claims Court Orders?
  The Immigration Consequences of Organized Criminality 
April 2018  Ecojustice Denied Leave To Intervene As "Friend Of Court"
  Insurers Over-Zealously Fighting Fraud Could Face Punitive Damages 
  The Discoverability of Social Media Evidence in the Context of Family Law & Estates Litigation
  Raibex:  Clarification of a Franchisor’s Disclosure Obligations or Judicially Created Uncertainty?
May 2018  Authorized by Law 
  Hearing Children’s Voices in Family Court: Evidentiary Considerations When Dealing with a Child’s Out-of-Court Statements 
  Functus Officio: No Second Kick at the Can for Judges 
June 2018  Pre-trial Remedies in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency-related Litigation: Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller Orders
  Upcoming Changes to the   Construction Lien Act 
  What Obligation does an Insurance Company have to Review Beneficiary Designations with the Policy Holders? 
  SCC lesson: In a multijurisdictional defamation dispute, the statement of claim must sufficiently focus on the plaintiff's Canadian reputation 
July 2018  Coming in From the Cold:  Deferred Prosecution (Remediation) Agreements in Canada 
  Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies jurisdictional limits of secondary market claims in   Yip v. HSBC Holdings pls 
  Exceptional Corporate, Director, and Officer Liability under the Federal   Cannabis Act 
September 2018  All is Fair in Love and Insurance: When is a Spouse not a Spouse for the purposes of an Accident Benefits Claim? 
  Federal Court Reminds Litigants to Be Objectively Clear in Settlement Negotiations 
  Artificial Intelligence: Innovation Procurement and Legal Questions 
  Can a Registered Mark Infringe Another Registered Mark? 
October 2018  Supreme Court Rules on Notice and Notice Obligations – Copyright Owners Have to Pay (Something) to Play 
  Pre-Certification Discovery in Class Action Proceedings –   Kaplan v. Casino Rama Services Inc. 
  Canadian Corporate Immigration: What You Need to Know About the Foreign Workers Among Us 
  Divisional Court Upholds Tribunal Decision that the Ministry May Order Current and Former Owners and Tenants to Delineate Contamination that Has Migrated Off-site 
November 2018  Discretionary Decisions of the Minister: The Distinction Between Reviewing and Deciding 
  Ontario’s Cannabis Private Retail Regulations Released 
  Waiver of Subrogation in Builders Risk Policies 
  Many Changes Afoot for Canadian Intellectual Property Law