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Toronto Law Journal - 2017 Issues

Month Article Title
January 2017 Supreme Court Confirms that Judges Can Conduct Hearings Outside Home Province 
  International Conflicts of Service 
  Merger Settlements:  Some More Transparency 
  New Regulations and Proclamations under the Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016
February 2017 The New Forfeited Corporate Property Act and Amendments to the OBCA – What You Need To Know 
  Corporate Limits to the Claim of Solicitor-Client Privilege 
  Getting it Right: The Remedy of Rectification in Canadian Tax Law 
  Ontario Court of Appeal Makes Significant Limitations Ruling 
March 2017  Effect of Retirement on Spousal Support Obligations 
  Court Terminates Pollution Enforcement Action As Against Canadian Subsidiary of Chevron 
  Privacy and Property: The Supreme Court clarifies the limits of PIPEDA 
  Looking Beyond Salomon v. Salomon 
April 2017 Supreme Court of Canada Releases Judgment on Defence of Officially Induced Error 
  Ledcor v. Northbridge: the Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies the "Faulty Workmanship" Exclusion 
  Doyle v. Zochem Inc.: A good example of an employer’s many overlapping duties and obligations in the workplace 
  Suing for Defamation – A Call for Restraint 
May 2017 Immigration Consequences for Permanent Residents Convicted of a Criminal Offence in Canada 
  Bain v UBS Securities Canada Inc, 2016 ONSC 5362 
  Expert Panel Releases its Review of Canada's Environmental Assessment Process 
  Revamping the Law of Prior Consistent Statements: R. v. Khan 
June 2017  Expanding the Iniquity Exception to Ensure Corporate Accountability 
  If My Neighbour Is a Thief, Do I Owe Him a Duty Of Care – SCC Will Decide... 
  Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (to Estate Trustee Compensation) in Eve v. Wilhelm Estate 
  Consideration is Dead! Long Live Consideration!  Richcraft Homes Ltd. v Urbandale Corporation and the Zombie-Theory of Contract Law 
July 2017 Court of Appeal Emphasizes the “Appropriate Means” Requirement for Discoverability under the Limitations Act, 2002 
  Mendoza v. Active Tire & Auto Centre Inc.: Court of Appeal Rejects Informed Decision Test for FDD’s 
  Tim Ludwig Professional Corp v BDO Canada LLP: Extraordinary Damages Available to Expelled Partners 
  R. v. Cody: Trial within a reasonable time and enhancing efficiency 
September 2017; Recent Cases Interpreting Insurance Exclusions: While policies may be “standard-form”, disputes over interpretation continue
  Common Interest Privilege in Peril 
  Trumped Up Diagnosis Not a Precondition for Recovery of Damages for Mental Injury
  “Don’t Be Evil”: Boilerplate Contract Theory and Public Policy Douez v Facebook, Inc. 
October 2017  Costs Against Non-Parties 
  Can Franchisors Be Released from Claims Under the Wishart Act? The Trillium Decision 
  “The Internet has no Borders”: Worldwide Deindexing Injunction Upheld Against Google 
  Ecuadorian Villagers Ordered to Post Security for Chevron's Legal Costs 
November 2017  Ontario Court of Appeal Sets Aside Security for Costs Order in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Case
  Commercial Drivers Held to Higher Standard of Care
  Demystifying the Duty to Mitigate 
  Supreme Court of Canada Rules on the “Promise of the Patent” Doctrine – Promise is Dead!