TLA Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Registrations are now closed.
Apr 9, 2019 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM - Contractual Interpretation Five Years after Sattva
361 University Avenue, Courthouse Library
Rotunda 2nd floor, Lawyers Lounge
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1T3

Followed by a Wine & Cheese Soiree

Five years ago the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Sattva Capital Corp. v Creston Moly Corp., providing guidance to parties regarding the correct approach to contractual interpretation. Come hear our panel of distinguished experts, all of whom are practitioners, authors and professors, give their opinion on contractual interpretation now that Sattva has taken root.

This program will benefit both civil and commercial litigators at all levels and solicitors who draft contracts.
  • What’s changed?
  • How have lower courts responded to the principles laid down by the SCC in Sattva, and, more recently, Ledcor?
  • What constitutes the "surrounding circumstances" or “factual matrix”?
  • What should litigators keep in mind when drafting pleadings, conducting examinations at trial, and formulating closing arguments?
  • What practical tips can assist corporate counsel when negotiating and drafting agreements?

Justice Katherine van Rensburg, Court of Appeal for Ontario
Justice Gary T. Trotter, Court of Appeal for Ontario
Justice David L. Corbett, Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court
Caroline Mandell, Legal Writing Coach


Christina Porretta, Dentons Canada LLP

Program details

Tuesday, April 9, 2019
5:15 – 7:15 p.m. (Registration at 5:00 p.m.)
TLA Lawyers Lounge, 2nd Floor, 361 University Avenue Court House

This program contains 120 minutes of Substantive Content

Registration Fee:

Members $90.00 + HST ($11.70) = $101.70;
Articling Members $45.00 + HST ($5.85) = $50.85
Non-Members $120.00 + HST ($15.60) = $135.60

A limited amount of complimentary tickets are available to Law School Students

This program is sponsored by:


This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism content by the Law Society of Ontario