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TLA Emerging Excellence Award Recipient for 2022

Stephen Aylward to receive the Toronto Lawyers’ Association Emerging Excellence Award on May 10, 2022 in Toronto.

TLA is pleased to present the TLA Emerging Excellence Award to Stephen Aylward, Barrister and Solicitor at Stockwoods LLP, Toronto.

The Award recognizes a lawyer who has been in practice for 10 years or less and exemplifies leadership and/or innovation in advancing the TLA’s three pillars of Knowledge, Community, and Advocacy.

 Steve is an accomplished scholar and teacher. Having studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, he went on to clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada before joining Stockwoods in 2014.


In his first seven years of practice, Steve has been cited by the Supreme Court, co-edited a volume on the judicial life of the Honourable Thomas Cromwell, written over a dozen articles and book chapters on a wide range of legal issues, and published a book on the law of unincorporated associations. He also recently designed and taught a course on contracts as an adjunct contract law as a professor for the University of Toronto’s Global Professional LLM Program.


“Steve’s passion for the practice of law, and his professional excellence combined with his superb communication skills have earned him the respect of many lawyers, clients and the broad community,” said Michael J.L. White, President of the TLA.


At the same time, Steve has established himself as a formidable advocate, appearing at all levels of court, including multiple times before the Supreme Court of Canada. Steve has used his considerable legal acumen to advance the public good. In R. v. Sharma, Steve acted as co-counsel for a young Indigenous woman in the Court of Appeal for Ontario, successfully challenging the constitutionality of an unjust law restricting the use of conditional sentences.

This case single-handedly implemented one of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Steve continues to represent Ms. Sharma as Canada appeals this decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. Steve considers it to be the honour of his career to act as counsel in this matter. He is only at the beginning of a career that will see many more legal victories to improve the lives of some of the most marginalized members of our society.

Finally, Steve’s commitment to community is exemplary. His numerous volunteer engagements involve serving on the Board of Directors of Fighting Blindness Canada, Canada’s largest vision research charity. This is deeply personal volunteer work for Steve, who has experienced vision loss throughout his life and is legally blind. He has become a leading and widely respected mentor, advocate, and trailblazer for people with vision loss.